Post opening!

SRB - 6/20/2020

A very good morning all! As I am sure everyone is aware of we are now in the green zone! FinallyπŸ˜„! So, we are in the process of preparing for reopening. Our target date is Monday, June 29th. Of course, we have guidelines that must be adhered to:
"Bar seating may be utilized if customers are seated and comply with physical distancing guideline of at least 6 feet or physical barriers between customers. Standing in a bar area will not be permitted."
"A maximum of four customers that have a common relationship may sit together at the bar, while adhering to the physical distancing guidelines or barriers between other customers.”
"Require all customers to wear masks while entering, exiting, or otherwise traveling throughout the restaurant or retail food service business. Face coverings may be removed while seated.
"Limit patrons to 50% of stated fire capacity."
The above list falls under the must do category, "guidelines are a requirement and thus could put any business that does not follow them at risk of losing a license or insurance coverage".
If I have missed anything I will update with another post. So, all that being said we hope to see our VFW family starting June 29th!
Be safe and well!


Post News

Important Info for Post5956 Members


Post opening!

Open again... 07 17 2020

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...

VFW Leaders Kick Off New Year With Troop Visits Abroad

WASHINGTON - Last week, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Senio...